Commercial varieties that produce large size nuts. 3 to 5 feet tall. All cultivars / varieties $17.50 except Red Dragon which is priced separately.
Hazelnuts are cloned by layering and tissue culture.
Zone 5
Due to the extreme cold that we have seen in the last 2 winters, filbert trees will be smaller than we have seen in many years.
Jefferson - Release with immunity to Eastern Filbert Blight Disease. Produces a heavy yield of large flavorful nuts that fill their shells well. Similar to the standard Barcelona variety, but with fewer blanks and with a low incidence of shriveled kernels. A late bloomer. Pollinates best with Yamhill and Theta.
Felix - Selected as a late season pollinator compatible with all our other varieties. Primarily used to pollinate the early blossoms of the very late blooming Jefferson along with the very late blooming Eta and Theta pollinators. Any of these 3 varieties will pollinate Jefferson.
Sacajawea - Blight resistant release from OSU. High yielding variety with few defects and an excellent flavor. Nuts ripen early, several weeks before Barcelona. Attractive, midsized nuts, suitable for in-shell marketing or processing. Considered blight and mite resistant on a level similar to Tonda di Giffoni. Pollinates with Halle's Giant, Yamhill and York.
Red Dragon - This new selection is the only red leafed or contorted hazel with complete resistance to eastern filbert blight. Majestic red catkin flowers in late winter on the twisted, contorted branches have a very distinct appearance. New branch growth is dark red as is the foliage, and later in summer, the nut husks are also red, contrasting nicely with the late summer bronze foliage color. On its own roots, can be grown as a multi-stemmed shrub or as a dwarf tree. Patented. Priced separately $22.50.