ORDERING INFORMATION By Mail: Please fill out the order form completely. Be sure to include a daytime phone# and street address. Please transfer the key code from the back cover of your catalog to the order form above your name. Send check or money order for full amount with order form. If you do not indicate a desired ship date, we will ship your order at the best planting time for your region. Send your order to: England's Orchard and
Nursery or to find our order form please click here Order By Phone: Phone orders are accepted 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., EASTERN TIME, 7 days per week. 606-965-2228 or 606-493-8239. Order By Credit Card:
Visa, Master Card, Discovery, AMEX taken by phone. For phone orders, to save time, prepare your order in advance. We regret that we cannot accept C.O.D. orders. Shipping Information England's Orchard and Nursery is no longer shipping trees. All trees are to be picked up at the nursery. We still offer shipping shipping for any plant material and seed orders. You may specify the approximate date you would like to receive your plants. We will do our best to get your order to you on the date desired. If you do not specify a date, we will ship your plants to arrive at the best planting time for your area. We ship by THE US POSTAL SERVICE, and other reliable carriers. Be sure to give us a street address, as orders cannot be delivered to a P.O. Box. PICK UP YOUR ORDER If you wish to pick up your order please complete the appropriate line on the order form, or give us a call. We will reserve your plants in the same way as we handle mail orders. Because of past problems with customers not arriving on the day scheduled, we will not be able to prepare your order until you arrive. We suggest that you pick up your order as early in the season as possible to avoid shortages. To be accepted, your order must be paid for in full when it is placed. No refunds can be made for orders placed and not picked up. Large and Special Plants at the Nursery: If you like one of a kind items, you'll enjoy visiting the Nursery. We have a number of plants in quantities too small to list in the catalog. These are often unique varieties or, in some cases, are too large to ship. Come visit us and bring your children! We live and work in a peaceful rural area and the drive here is beautiful. Fruit for sale at The Nursery: We have many interesting fruits for sale in the fall. Call us in September and October to check on availability and hours. Among the fruits available will be Apples, Asian Pears, Nuts, and others. England's Orchard and Nursery Guarantee Once you have accepted receipt of your trees, they become the responsibility of the owner. Through our many years of growing and shipping trees around the nation, we have learned that there are many cultural factors that can affect the growth of trees such as soil conditioners, watering, fertilization, diseases, insects, early and late freezes. England's Orchard and Nursery cannot be held responsible for cultural conditions that are beyond our control. If for some reason we are out of something due to a shortage in stock, or an error that we have made, we will ship a substitution variety of the same species or similar to the species ordered. We will work with all customers on a one to one basis in any response of customer satisfaction. No fertilizing of trees that have been shipped bare root for a period of one year after planting. Warranty If the tree(s) do not break dormancy
they will be replaced at no charge for the tree(s). Trees that die within a seven-month period
of purchase will be replaced at a 50% replacement rate plus the cost of shipping
and handling. Persimmons and Pecans must be given at least till July of the year
planted to break dormancy. Limit of Liability If at any time in the future, the trees (variety or cultivars) are found to be of other than so named (requested or purchased) trees, trees will be replaced at our cost (free of charge) plus postage. |